Fwd: Troubles with price retrieval

Doug Brown toquehead at gmail.com
Mon Dec 28 22:34:53 EST 2009

Derek Atkins wrote:
> [snip]
>>> I have only 1 version of gnucash installed on two computers. My gc xml
>>> file is on a TrueCrypt drive on one of said computers - the work
>>> computer accesses via the Lan. I encounter the same error on both
>>> computers (and they both used to work). One is a work computer and one
>>> is personal, so they have quite different software installs, but some
>>> in common (Firefox, Thunderbird, GnuCash, ...).
>>> Perhaps I'll try uninstalling GC and Perl and starting over.
> Well, another possbility could be if you have multiple versions of
> ActivePerl..  Or if it somehow cannot execute gnc-fq-helper directly
> from GnuCash.....
After much uninstalling and re-installing, all to no avail, I stumbled 
upon the problem. When I said I had turned off price retrieval for all 
my securities, I missed one ... when I turned off price retrieval for 
security XRB with price source "canada" everything else works. At the 
command line:

C:\Program Files\gnucash\bin>perl gnc-fq-dump canada xrb
row 0 out of range (-1)
 at C:/Perl/site/lib/Finance/Quote/FinanceCanada.pm line 81

So I guess that price source "canada" has changed its format. I don't 
think I have any other options for Canadian stock quotes.

It sure would have been nice if GC could have told me which price 
retrieval was failing.

Thanks for your help,


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