How do I import exported accounts?

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Tue Feb 3 17:55:59 EST 2009

Robert Smits wrote:

>I use Gnucash to track finances, including donations, for a political party.
>I keep a separate set of books for an election camapign. 
>I need to find a way to export my income/contribution accounts with several 
>hundred names and then import the same accounts into the riding account to 
>avoid having to re-enter them all.
>I see how to export them, from the but how do I import them into my riding 
>Thanks, Bob
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Clone it Bob.

Essentially you are saying that most of the accounts (this large number 
of donor accounts) will be the same in this new set of books for the 
election campaign as in books for the party. So don't export/import 
anything. Make a COPY of the file and then open that (new) set of books 
and delete whatever accounts would refer to the party, not the campaign, 
add whatever new accounts just for th campaign, and rename others 
(different bank account, but it's still a bank account in both cases).


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