Extra digits appended to non-Zero values in Windows Version of GnuCash.

John Banner sjbanner at gmail.com
Sun Feb 8 17:31:34 EST 2009

   I just downloaded and installed GnuCash 2.2.8 for Windows (I am
running XP) and I find that everywhere that a non-zero currency value
appears, it has the number "11" appended to it (i.e. if I enter a
transaction of 300,00 Euros, it displays as 300,0011 Euros, but with
the currency symbol on the front and no "Euros" on the end).  If I
enter 5 transactions, they all have the same "11" after them, as does
the running balance, so it's not actually changing the numbers, just
the display.  The accounts that have a zero balance, all show 0,00
Euros as appropriate and the same behavior shows up in reports as

   And then, when I emailed the file to a friend who also installed
the program on his Linux system today, everything displays just fine.

   I haven't been able to find anything similar discussed on this list
or the Wiki, etc, so I figure there has to simple that needs to be
done, but I haven't been able to find it.

   Any assistance will be happily received.

                   Thanks much,


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