gnc-register protocol?

D. R. Evans doc.evans at
Mon Feb 9 14:26:25 EST 2009

Derek Atkins said the following at 02/09/2009 10:10 AM :

>> If that's not what I'm supposed to expect, what am I actually supposed to
>> do with this HTML file?
> Send it to somebody to view the numbers?
> Load it into a spreadsheet?

But then why is it a *hypertext* document? Hypertext means that it has
links that can be clicked to take me to a URL.

It seems to me that there's a ginormous conceptual disconnect if one puts
something that contains unusable-on-purpose links into a hypertext document.

The "protocol" portion of a URL is supposed to tell the browser what to do;
in this case, the "gnc-register" protocol doesn't even seem to exist. So it
shouldn't be an HTML document.

(Or, I suppose one could have gnucash create an HTML document *without
links*, if one just wants to be sure it will render in a browser. But as it
stands, the HREFs seem [unless I'm misunderstanding something, which is
certainly possible] to be completely useless -- and confusing to poor
people like me who expect a semblance of the normal behaviour when one
clicks on them.)



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