Default account counterpart

Adam Funk a24061 at
Thu Feb 19 08:24:56 EST 2009

On 2009-02-18, Derek Atkins wrote:

> Um, GnuCash lets you create new accounts on the fly.  If you type in
> "Foo:Bar:New Account" into the Account Cell then when you leave the
> cell it will pop up a dialog for you to create the new account (if
> it doesn't already exist).  So if you're entering a large/complext
> split and need a new account then just create it inline.

Right.  I'm very happy with that facility, because it will not create
a new account without explicitly asking for permission.

> The problem here is that GnuCash will Scrub the in-process transaction
> while you're editing it and create Imbalance account *** EVEN IF YOU
> ALREADY HAVE ALL THE ACCOUNTS YOU NEED ***.  The problem is that GnuCash
> PREMATURELY scrubs the transaction and inserts the Imbalance too
> early.

So we both agree this is bad behaviour, right?

(I've been told previously on this list that it's my fault when this
happens for pressing the enter key before I'm sure I'm finished.)

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