GNU Cash - Profits

Sam Morris sam at
Sat Feb 21 08:52:10 EST 2009

On Sat, 21 Feb 2009 10:02:17 +0000, Peter Jones wrote:

> Good morning,
> Could anyone explain how the 'Profits' figure is worked out which
> appears on the bottom of the accounts screen? I have looked on the help
> screens and can not find the answer.

It's probably something like: assets - liabilities - assets at year start 
+ liabilities at year start

But that's just a hunch, I haven't read the source code. :)

> Thanks
> Peter

Sam Morris
PGP key id 1024D/5EA01078
3412 EA18 1277 354B 991B  C869 B219 7FDB 5EA0 1078

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