Converting 1.8 (Linux) data file to Windows 2.2; was: On Windows XP

Frank H. Ellenberger f.ellenberger at
Tue Feb 24 16:52:41 EST 2009


Am Tuesday 11 November 2008 14:13:11 schrieb Derek Atkins:
> Basically, you're jumping from 1.8 to 2.2, skipping the 2.0 release
> completely..  While that jump usually works, it's not always clean
> and definitely not always tested.  Also, I can assure you that you
> will NOT be able to take your data file BACK to 1.8 from the 2.2
> windows version.
> Your best bet is to get GnuCash 2.0 on Mandriva, load the data
> file there, then take it to windows...  And then update Mandriva
> to GnuCash 2.2.

FYI: As Christian told me on the german list, 
there is a known issue – 
Import of 1.8.x file has incomplete data on Windows: 
> Norbert has sent me his 1.8.x file. I imported this in 2.2,
> which brought up the "mixed character encoding" dialog. Indeed there were
> both UTF-8 and ISO-8859 strings in the file, but it was easy to choose the
> correct ones. I then saved from 2.2 and sent Norbert the result and all is
> solved.


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