Portfolio question - re Options

Andrew Sackville-West andrew at swclan.homelinux.org
Tue Feb 24 23:37:39 EST 2009

On Wed, Feb 25, 2009 at 01:54:30PM +1100, David Ryder wrote:
> Hi,
> I run a business am looking at the possibility of combining my Portfolio
> into my gnucash accounts and using just gnucash for Portfilio
> Management. I have some questions and will start with the first - a
> trader, yes, but an accountant I certainly am not! 
> I trade daily in Options. To me this is Income and I would like to
> post under Income:Options as Stock entries - can I? They are not assets
> in my case but I don't want to confuse gnucash. All the documentation I
> have found says they should be "Assets".

are you saying that you never hold anything long enough to call it an
asset? In that case, I'd just call it income and be done with it. That
means that the tracking of the options and other securities that you
use to generate that income would be handled outside of gnucash. In
reality, I don't think gnucash is really set up to efficiently handle
the volume of transactions that a daily trader would be
generating. your mileage may vary widely.

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