are scheduled/recurring transactions ignored by reports?

Ulrike Fischer news2 at
Thu Feb 26 11:01:03 EST 2009

Am Wed, 25 Feb 2009 10:51:41 -0500 schrieb Matt Price:

>> The reports show the transactions that are present in the ledger. There 
>> are doubtless several reasons for this, but the killer that springs to my 
>> mind is this: scheduled transactions will often be variable, either in 
>> amount or date.
>> Would you really want to have to supply variable data for a collection of 
>> scheduled transactions *every*single*time* you run such a report?
> I think I was trying to ask the same question in that earlier post,
> though Kevin frames it better.  I don't know what Kevin's motivation is,
> but mine is simple -- I'm trying to forecast my family's budget for the
> next 12 months  or so, and to do that I need an approximation of what
> our expenses and income are.  For this relatively unsophisticated
> forecast, I don't need to know in advance the exact amounts I'll need to
> pay -- my estimates are sufficient.  So I'd also really like to hear if
> someone has written a modified report that takes scheduled transactions
> into account.  

What Fred means is that the sheduled transaction can contain real
variables instead of amounts. E.g. I have a sheduled transaction for
my phone bile which contains the transactions

Bank                             sum
Expenses:Phone:Fix                         38,95
Expenses:Phone:Variable                    sum-38,95

And when this transaction is included it asks me what the sum is in
the actual month and then computes the correct values. How should a
report handle this?

What you could do is set the date on your PC to the end of the year
and let gnucash include all sheduled transactions (you could do it
in a copy first to test if you like it).

Ulrike Fischer 

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