sum for placeholder accounts

Michael Braun mgnucash at
Tue Jan 20 15:31:12 EST 2009


I've defined an account hierachie as follows
 -> project A
 -> project B
 -> ...
where bank account is a placeholder account
and all bookings in the bank account are
stored in the project A / project B account.

Looking in the account overview I get

name      | saldo (confirmed) | saldo
bank      |  0,-              | 200,-
project A | 50,-              | 100,-
project B | 25,-              | 100,-

While the unconditioned saldo being summed
up from the child accounts, this does
not happen for the confirmed saldo.

I would like to get
name      | saldo (confirmed) | saldo
bank      | 75,-              | 200,-
project A | 50,-              | 100,-
project B | 25,-              | 100,-

Is there a configuration option for this somewhere?

Thanks a lot in advance,

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