posted bills/invoices: description per transaction not visibleanywhere?

Jannick Asmus at
Sat Jan 31 03:03:46 EST 2009

Hi Frank,

"Frank H. Ellenberger" <f.ellenberger at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:200901202349.47906.f.ellenberger at
> Hi Jannick,
> Am Sunday 18 January 2009 14:16:51 schrieb Jannick Asmus:
>> Hi,
>> after posting bills / invoices how can I see the description of each of 
>> the
>> transactions? It is neither displayed in the general ledger nor in the
>> transaction report.
> I hope I understood you right.
> While posting your invoice, uncheck "Accumulate Splits"
> or before uncheck Edit->Preferences->Bussiness->Accumulate splits on post.
> Choose Edit->Preferences->Register Defaults->Default Style:Transactional
> journal
> and in G/L is a split for each position of the invoice.

Thanks for your hints. ... just for the record: The problem pops up only if 
you touch the field "description" ("Beschreibung" in the German 
localization) in the invoice posting dialogue. Leave it empty, then the 
description of every transaction should be filled with the information of 
the corresponding item of the invoice.

Best wishes,

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