Net Worth report

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Sat Jul 11 14:12:36 EDT 2009

Colin Law wrote:

>I am trying to find a built in report that I feel must be there but I
>cannot find.  I wish to see the current balances of selected asset and
>liability accounts, with a total asset value, total liability value
>and nett total value.  I have found the Balance Sheet account which
>does all of this except that it does not give a nett total at the end,
>unless I am missing something.  I have also found the Net Worth
>Barchart which will give me the totals but not the individual
The "fundamental equation" of double entry bookkeeping is assets = 
liabilities + equity and that is what a "balance sheet" will show.

Is the problem that the term "equity" is traditionally used rather than 
"net worth"? Or are you saying that you can't find a "total equity" on 
the Balance Sheet report?


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