Customising Invoice Reports
Derek Atkins
warlord at MIT.EDU
Wed Jul 22 04:36:16 EDT 2009
For the record, for the first couple years I never used GnuCash's
invoice to send to a customer. I had a LaTeX invoice that I used,
so I entered the data in GnuCash and wrote the invoice up in LaTeX
to print/send.
When the Fancy Invoice came out I switched to using that and sent
that out to my customers.
Phil Longstaff <plongstaff at> writes:
> It's more correct to say that the developer who developed the business code *is* a business user who designed the invoices to meet his own needs, and was happy if other users could make use of it. Being an open source product has advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is that you are free to modify it to suit your needs. The disadvantage is that there is no marketing or customer service department telling a software department what to produce. I'm a developer, but not a business user, so I'm not interested in the invoices. However, I will be doing some work on the budget and other reports since I do use those.
> For version 2.3.X (unstable) leading to 2.4 sometime in August or September, there are two items which will affect invoices. 1) The current html display engine is being replaced by a newer engine which has many more features for controlling fonts and appearance, and 2) the current invoice is being augmented by a new invoice which should make things easier to customize. Currently, the invoice (and all reports) are essentially a program which produces HTML code which is displayed (and which can be printed). The new invoice is an HTML template which has some pieces of embedded program (to fetch the invoice number or item lines, for example). This means that for most of the customization you want, you can now edit this HTML template to add logos, extra text, etc.
> Do you have a "generate PDF" printer on your system? Can't you just print to that?
> Phil
> ________________________________
> From: Paul Kruger <paul at>
> To: gnucash-user at
> Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 2:39:44 PM
> Subject: Re: Customising Invoice Reports
> So far this is also the reason I cannot change to Gnucash from Quickbooks.
> A business MUST be able to print invoices that are designed with their own
> look and feel including logos etc.
> So far it does not look like the developers are actually business users of
> Gnucash or they would have taken necessary pains to make invoices and
> reports editable.
> I do a lot of invoicing and the only option that works for me is to just
> select the invoices I need and click "Print" and have them output as a PDF
> to send via email to customers or to print or fax depending on the customer.
> All the nice features are for naught if one can't easily send an invoice to
> customers. This is a MAJOR handicap for Gnucash.
> Benedick Miller wrote:
>> I am afraid I can't help but just wanted to say I have
>> had similar problems. I like Gnucash very much but
>> printing is a disaster. I can't and don't use Gnucash
>> to print my invoices. I end up doing them by hand,
>> which is a waste of time. I would have a hard time
>> recommending Gnucash to another business user solely
>> because of the printing issues. Pity, because
>> otherwise it is so good.
>> --- Brian Keen <brian.keen at> wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> Need some advice on customising the fancy invoice
>>> report:-
>>> I want to get the printed invoice to fit on a single
>>> A4 sheet.
>> ...
>>> It would also help if I could reduce the font-size.
>>> I can't figure out how - other than to edit the
>>> resulting HTML file. I don't
>>> want to do that every time I create another invoice.
>>> I also wanted to change the word 'Sales' to 'VAT'
>>> at the end of the table
>> ...
>>> Although GnuCash seems to work well, customising
>>> reports needs to be made
>>> more user friendly for the average user.
>>> It shouldn't really be necessary for someone trying
>>> to run a business to
>>> have to start hacking lisp.
>> ...
>> Please Note my NEW EMAIL ADDRESS:
>> benedick_miller at
>> ...shall we their fond pageant see?
>> Lord what fools these mortals be!
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Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord at MIT.EDU PGP key available
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