Saving & Exporting reports

Paul Schwartz pmjs1115 at
Mon May 4 15:28:56 EDT 2009

--- On Sun, 5/3/09, Maf. King <maf at> wrote:

From: Maf. King <maf at>
Subject: Re: Saving & Exporting reports
To: "Laura Lincoln" <cblist1 at>
Cc: gnucash-user at
Date: Sunday, May 3, 2009, 10:31 AM

-----Inline Attachment Follows-----

On Sunday 03 May 2009 13:16:00 Laura Lincoln wrote:

IIRC, it is something like Insert -> data source -> from file


> work. <br>
> <blockquote cite="mid:200905031038.52822.maf at" type="cite">
>   <pre wrap="">
>   </pre>
>   <blockquote type="cite">
>     <pre wrap="">I want to export the data in a report but only see that
> the file can be save as an HTML file. I'd like to export the data into
> excel or Open Office spreadsheet. Is this possible?
>     </pre>
>   </blockquote>
>   <pre wrap=""><!---->
> Import your HTML into OOo calc, then save it from there.
>   </pre>
> </blockquote>
> <br>
> How do you import html in OO calc? I tried "open" and it opened the
> Writer/web application instead. I tried to copy/paste to OO calc but
> the resulting file did not have usable data on it.. <br>

Yes, it does seem to work that way. Try this
Rt click on the html file [in Nautilus?], choose open with Other application, choose OO Spreadsheet from the list [should be there].


PAUL Schwartz


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