Printing Account Hierarchy

Ken Heard ken at
Wed May 6 20:10:05 EDT 2009

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Derek Atkins wrote:
> Quoting Ken Heard <ken at>:

>>>> How do I set up my complete account hierarchy for printing (html file?)
>>>> and then print it?
>>> Run an Account Summary Report?
>> The problem with that report is that it does not descend to the bottom
>> of the tree.
> Did you edit the report options to increase the account tree depth setting?

I did not know I could do so.  After some experimentation with the edit
options, I removed all amounts, leaving just the account codes and
names, and set the report to show all accounts in the tree.  I then
saved it as a pdf file, or thought I had.

Before sending the file to the printer with the intention of seeing what
the file when printed would look like I selected print preview .  At
that point gnucash crashed.

I then looked for the pdf file which I thought I had created; it was
nowhere to be found.  Then, when I tried to reload gnucash a window
appeared with the following message:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
GnuCash could not obtain the lock for /home/ken/accts/ken09/ken09.gnc.

That database may be in use by another user, in which case you should
not open the database.  What would you like to do?

Open anyway            Create new file                   Quit
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

I decided that the safest thing to do was to quit, and so I did so.

What does this message mean?  If my data are not irretrievably lost,
what can I do to recover them intact and then reopen my account?

Ken Heard, Toronto, Canada

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


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