Can I Change Schedule Frequency to 4-weekly?

Ulrike Fischer gnucash at
Fri May 8 10:00:55 EDT 2009

Am Fri, 08 May 2009 09:11:59 -0400 schrieb Ken Heard:

>>> Aha!  So now I know the significance of the "Every *n*
>>> months/weeks/whatever" option in the "Edit Scheduled
>>> Transaction>Frequency" window.  When I first started to use Scheduled
>>> Transactions I could not figure out what purpose this option served; it
>>> was hardly intuitive.
>> I hadn't any problem to understand this: 
> It does not follow that just because you were able to figure out what
> the options in this window really mean most other people would. I did
> not, and I am a native English speaker.  It is certainly a misuse of the
> English language to force the effective phrase "monthly, but every three
> months" to mean quarterly.
>> my calendar application in
>> my old palm use the same method. 
> Irrelevant to the point I was making: that if this misuse is to
> continue, it should be explained.  I will consequently file a bug report.

I didn't try to attack you. I only tried to explain that it is
neither an unusual way (or like you say a "misuse") to set a
frequency nor not intuitive -- at least for me. In german we have a
word for "quarterly" (vierteljährlich) but it also quite usual to
say "alle drei Monate" ("every third month"). Also: what you would
have done to enter a transaction which should be repeated every
third week or every fifth month? Do you find the dialog
counter-intuitive for this cases too?

Ulrike Fischer 

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