Reconcile does not work for me

Cam Ellison cam at
Tue May 12 01:25:16 EDT 2009

Ken Heard wrote:
> As far as I can figure out, that number -- the "Difference" -- can only
> be zero if every item in both the debit and credit columns in the
> "reconcile" window are checked off. 
That is not correct.  You check off only those entries that you find on 
the bank (or credit card, or whatever) statement.  What you are doing is 
matching the bank statement to the GnuCash account, item by item.  It is 
very rare that you would have everything in the reconciliation window 
checked off. 
> So, it appears that the only way I can "finish" the reconciliation is by
> checking *all* the entries in the reconcile window as appearing both in
> my ledger and on the bank statements.  If so, the purpose of a
> reconciliation statement as a record of what has not cleared both is
> obviated.
> Finally, I found no option which permits saving "a part finished
> reconciliation", a contradiction of terms.
There is a Postpone option.  All that does is save whatever you have 
done by way of checking items off - it is temporary - until you have 
time to finish.  Nothing is reconciled until the difference goes to 0.00 
and you click on the Finish button.  If you go partway through the 
process and Postpone, you will see that the field following the account 
in the register is set to "c" (I think that's still the case), instead 
of "n".  It will only be set to "y" once the reconciliation is complete.

If it's not going to 0.00, then you have a missing item, or you entered 
the month-end balance from the bank statement incorrectly, or you have 
an item that is different on the bank statement from what it is in the 
account.  Look for transposed digits and items on the wrong side of the 

Good luck


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