Cannot get CURRENCY:EUR price since Monday

Phil Reynolds phil-gnc at
Fri May 15 14:17:20 EDT 2009

I have been using gnucash for quite some time and have been very  
impressed with it. However, since the last successful attempt on  
Monday, I have been unable to get the price. If I try, I see:

Unable to retrieve quotes for these items:

This is the only price I now have to look up.

I am using the default setup on Debian lenny (GnuCash 2.2.6 with  
Finance::Quote 1.13), but have also tried 1.15 and 1.16, patched as  
per the suggestion to fix some other problems. No difference at all to  
the result.

I am not sure how to proceed from here with tracking this one down. If  
anyone can advise how I proceed, I will certainly try, and report back.

Phil Reynolds
mail: phil-gnc at

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