Spam:********, Re: Class accounting?

Don Quixote de la Mancha quixote at
Tue Oct 27 15:08:06 EDT 2009

I can see how this sort of thing would be very useful for my software company.

I expect to develop a number of software products.  It would be
helpful to track each individual product's financial activity - the
money spent to develop, market and support it, and the money earned
from each individual product's sales.

If a customer were to buy several of my products in one transaction,
ordinarily that would be recorded in a single account.  But I'd like
to record each product's individual contribution to the total.

This wouldn't be such a big deal when I'm small and just starting out,
but for a larger company that has a lot of financial activity, it
might not be at all clear that a particular product isn't pulling its
weight financially, and might be better off abandoned.

Don Quixote de la Mancha
quixote at

   Dulcinea Technologies Corporation: Software of Elegance and Beauty.

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