Quickfill Issues

Fred Bone Fred.Bone at dial.pipex.com
Tue Sep 8 12:16:53 EDT 2009

On 07 September 2009 at 17:37, wrbird said:

> All,
> I just started using Gnucash.  I was a long time user of MSMoney.  I
> imported transactions from my bank and just want to change the
> description, for example, from "TACO BELL" to "Taco Bell", however
> quickfill doesn't allow me to modify this to lower case, it just always
> autofills the description.

If you type the whole name the way you want it, follwoed by something 
else (such as a space), it will revert to what you actually typed. You 
can then delete the trailing space and your preferred version is now the 
one that will be remembered.

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