About cash flow forecast

Yawar Amin yawar.amin at gmail.com
Sat Sep 12 05:41:30 EDT 2009

mybuyer at roadrunner.com wrote:
>> When you say you want to include scheduled transactions in your graphs,
>> but you don't want to have future transactions in your financial record,
>> what's the difference? They're just two different ways of saying that
>> these transactions will take place in the future. Everything else is
>> just a technicality.
>> Cheers,
>> Yawar
> The difference is that the future transactions are not in the ledger

Not yet, anyway.

> and I can take advantage of scheduled transaction features like
> reminders and those pop-up payment windows.

Fair enough; I actually use online banking to set up bill payments in
advance, so I don't need reminders like that.

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