Loan Payments and Advance SX entry

Roland Roberts roland at
Mon Sep 21 20:35:41 EDT 2009

Roland Roberts wrote:
> I've been entering my loan transactions "by hand" for the most part.  
> That is, I have them set up as scheduled transactions with fixed 
> splits then correct the splits after I get my statements.  However, I 
> decided to take the plunge and set up my mortgage via the loan druid.
> After a few false starts, I got it to work so it calculated my next 
> entry correctly.  Then, because I prefer to have my known transactions 
> entered well in advance so I can do an eyeball budget, I changed the 
> SX to automatically create it 60 days in advance.  Then I had GC run 
> all SX since the last run.
> What I discovered is that my next payment for 2009-09-01 was correct, 
> but the one for 2009-10-01 is a duplicate of the 2009-09-01 entry.  It 
> looks to me like the loan calculator may be using the run date instead 
> of the effective entry date.  Or maybe I've just set it up wrong and 
> only thought I had it correct.
> Should it be possible to have scheduled loan payments automatically 
> entered more than one payment cycle in advance?

Bump.  Uhm.  is this a bug, a feature, or what?  Should I file a bug report?


		       PGP Key ID: 66 BC 3B CD
Roland B. Roberts, PhD                             RL Enterprises
roland at                            6818 Madeline Court
roland at                           Brooklyn, NY 11220

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