Purchases in a foreign currency

John Ralls jralls at ceridwen.us
Tue Apr 6 23:07:27 EDT 2010

On Apr 6, 2010, at 5:08 PM, Paul A. wrote:

> I more or less understand how GnuCash handles accounts in different
> currencies, but I still wonder how to handle individual transactions in
> different currencies.  My Visa account is denominated in USD, and I want to
> keep it that way.  If I travel to France, say, and pay for a hotel bill with
> my Visa card, I know what I paid in euros.  But is there any easy way to
> enter that transaction in USD?
> An extra complication: exchange rates vary with time, so I need the exchange
> rate at the time of the transaction, not as of today.  Can GnuCash help me
> with that?

Be patient and wait till your credit card transactions are posted to the CC company's website, then import them. The exchange rate they use will be either (at best) the one in effect at the time the transaction is presented to them or (more likely) one that they pick for their own reasons. In either case there's no chance that you'll be able to guess what it is in advance.

John Ralls

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