month by month report?

David T. sunfish62 at
Thu Apr 8 02:29:02 EDT 2010

I have found that one can torture a budget report to do what you are asking. This requires setting up a budget for the accounts you are interested in, and then creating a budget report using that budget. In the report options, clear the checkbox for budgeted amounts, and check the one for actual amounts. You will then have a month-by-month listing of actual expenses for the accounts in question.


--- On Wed, 4/7/10, Daniel Trezub <daniel3ub at> wrote:

> From: Daniel Trezub <daniel3ub at>
> Subject: month by month report?
> To: "Users Gnucash" <gnucash-user at>
> Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2010, 5:46 PM
> Hey guys!
> I am looking for a way to generate a report that shows me
> my accounts month
> by month, so I can compare the same accounts' totals let's
> say this month
> with the previous month. Or JAN with MAR, for example, in
> the same report.
> How can one do that?
> I was thinking about multi column reports, but it seems a
> little too much
> work to generate a report, save it and then include it in
> the multi column.
> Also, what is the best choice to show a simple list of
> accounts totals for a
> given period?
> Thanks a lot!
> =====
> Daniel Trezub
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