Best way to track child expenses?

Klaus Dahlke klaus.dahlke at
Thu Apr 8 17:37:19 EDT 2010

Hi Daniel,
that's a bit a twofold philosophical question:
a) what kind of information you would like to get?
b) to what level to you want to 'control' the rest of the family?

to a)
I don't have a real preference. Some spending caused by the kids (like fees for membership in a sport club)  I account under Expenses:Memberships and not even a more detailed account. Some expenses (like equipment for school, clothing) are accounted under Expenses:Kids.

to b)
I don't like to detail the accounting too much.  It is 'us' (my wife and I) who earns the family income and we spend it for e.g Expenses:Clothing. I don't want to have for the family finances a more detail view because I want to see only whether certain expenses for the family has gone up beyond the normal inflation rate resp. whether an increase is within reasonable limits. I believe that a somewhat coarse accounting would bring benefits to the family life ... In essence it is all about finding the right balance between knowing were the money goes to and being a control freak having every family member under financial surveillance.

Just my 2ct,

On Wed, 7 Apr 2010 21:04:03 -0300
Daniel Trezub <daniel3ub at> wrote:

> Hi, guys/gals!
> I am wondering what is the best way to track child/wife expenses.
> Example:
> I have an Expenses: Dining Out account.
> But sometimes my teenager daughter goes dining out.
> What is the best way to track these expenses?
> An "Expenses: Dining Out: Teenager" account
> or an "Expenses: Teenager: Dining Out" account?
> And I could ask the same for my wife's expenses or other types of expenses
> (her clothing, her car, etc). How do you manage that?
> Thanks!
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