Cash flow report includes depreciation¸opening balance etc.

Henri de Solages h2slg at
Tue Apr 13 23:25:16 EDT 2010

Mongolia, city of Precious (Эрдэнэт)


The cash flow report includes flow from opening balance, flow to depreciation, flow to account receivable etc.. These are not cash flows. How to get a right cash flow report?
   Before GnuCash, my small company would use spreadsheet, and each account had a boolean saying if it was a cash account (i.e. a real "account" in the non-professional meaning of the term) or not. Any flow between a cash account and a non-cash account (for instance from a bank account to an expense account, or from an income account to a bank account) was included into the cash flow report, while flows between 2 cash accounts (for instance a flow between 2 bank accounts, which is just an internal flow, not to appear in the report) or between 2 non-cash accounts (for instance from an income account to an account receivable) were not. This was a very simple and effective algorithm.
But in GnuCash, I can´t see anything to say that an account is or not a cash account.

On 2010-01-04, Dereck Atkins replied to someone else in this mailing-list "Please read my previous emails on this topic, I'm not going to repeat it yet again."
but he writes so many posts that I couldn't find which one he referred to.
   Generally speaking, a Wiki would be, to my mind, a better way than a mailing list to find user-information (as opposed to development information) quickly.

Thank you in advance for your help.


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