Sharing Database - Windows/XP

M Prindle mprindle at
Wed Apr 21 14:13:28 EDT 2010

Oh yes that is what I thought you ment.  When GNUCash lauches and you
open the database it creates a lock file in the database directory.
If for some reason the network client don't have the privs to create
the file you could get that error.  Does the share directory have full
read/write/create permissions on it?

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 1:03 PM, Phillip Richcreek
<pwrichcreek at> wrote:
> Mike,
> Thanks for your reply.
>>  One one person can have the database open at at time.
> In retrospect, I can see that my original message implied that I want
> to have the database open for read/write by two users at the same
> time. I don't expect that. But I do want either user/computer to be
> capable of writing to the database, provided no other user has it open
> for write access at the same time.
> I failed to state that, when I received the gnucash unable to obtain
> the lock message, no other user had the database open -- neither for
> read-only nor for write. That's what makes me suspect that it's
> something in my Windows configuration that is causing the problem.
> I hope someone who is doing what I'm trying to do can help me
> understand where I'm going wrong with my Windows sharing settings.
> Phil
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 1:39 PM, M Prindle <mprindle at> wrote:
>> GNUCash is a single user system only and it's not dependent on the OS.
>>  One one person can have the database open at at time.  Both computers
>> can access the database, but separately.  As far as I know there is no
>> way around this currently.  The message unable to obtain lock is
>> GNUCash's way of protecting the database while it's open.
>> Mike
>> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Phillip Richcreek
>> <pwrichcreek at> wrote:
>>> I want to access  gnucash accounts from two computers, with both
>>> having read/write access. When I open the database I get message
>>> "gnucash could not obtain the lock for \\Dell-8250-den\network shared
>>> files\GnuCash\Account Database". I choose the option to "open the
>>> database for read only" and the accounts show up as expected -- so I
>>> know I'm able to access the desired file, but apparently for
>>> read-only.
>>> I suspect that this is a Windows issue, but I wonder if anyone
>>> subscribed here has experience with this configuration and if so, can
>>> help me understand what I need to change in my Windows sharing setup?
>>> I'm running Windows/XP SP3 with all patches up to date.
>>> TIA,
>>> Phil
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