"Business -> Pay Invoice" is equal to "Process Payment"?

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at telenet.be
Tue Aug 17 05:54:14 EDT 2010

On Tuesday 17 August 2010, Zhang Weiwu wrote:
> It is done by
> "Business | Customers | Process Payment -> find the invoice -> fill a form"
> One year later I realized she actually always use
> "Business | Customers | Find Invoices -> find & open the invoice ->
>  Business | Pay invoice -> fill a form"
The way you are using the two methods will have identical results.

The Business->Pay invoice dialog is always prepopulated for the open invoice. 
The dialog under Business->Customers->Process Payment on the other hand is 
not. That's the only difference between the two.

The difference doesn't matter for the way you use the dialogs, since you 
explicitly select an invoice for each payment. This is not required though. 
The dialog under Business->Customers->Process Payment allows you to only enter 
a customer for the payment. You can use this to enter prepayments for that 
customer. GnuCash will use these prepayments to pay later invoices 
automatically. I personally don't use this feature, but I hear it works well.


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