Account not shown in 2.2.9 shows in 2.2.6

Volker Englisch volker at
Wed Dec 8 11:22:16 EST 2010

On 12/8/2010 10:48 AM Geert Janssens wrote:
> On Tuesday 07 December 2010, Bruce wrote:
>> Solved!!!
>> In GnuCash 2.2.9 I went to Edit==>Preferences==>Register Defaults
>> Original value was "0" and changed this to "1000" and the account with the
>> most transactions "Cash" would display the transactions.  If I set this to
>> "2000" it was again not show the transactions.  Being able to go back 1000
>> transactions is not a limit at the moment for my 8 year old 9 Megabyte
>> GnuCash file.
>> I will actually count the number of "Cash" transactions an attempt to set
>> the number in the Preferences to that number and see if that works.
>> I consider this solved.
>> -Bruce.
> Glad you do, but I don't ;)
> Your experiment suggests GnuCash hits a limit somewhere it shouldn't. Setting 
> the Register defaults value to "0" should show all transactions, but in your 
> case that fails with lots of transactions. I'd be interested in the actual 
> number of transactions in your Cash account to get an estimate of where it 
> goes wrong.

I am wondering if the reported problem could be in any way related to

This bug reports disappearing scroll bars and buttons when a certain
threshold of transactions in the register is passed.
I will test tonight if that bug is still valid with a more recent
version of GC.

Volker Englisch
mailto:Volker at

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