Usability questions

Shane Litherland litherland-farm at
Sun Dec 12 07:54:46 EST 2010

Hi Kevin,

Addition to other's feedback, which I see addressed most of your query
regarding your issue of creating splits...

you've already been told you're doing it wrong, I won't rub it in ;-)
Actually, not entirely wrong, but something that may be friendlier for
you (my preferred method too)- mentioned by another post too

in EDIT>PREFERENCES>REGISTER DEFAULTS you can change your view option
from basic ledger, to show auto-split ledger which takes away the
process of mouse-ing up to 'split' all the time, I use GNUCASH this way
so whenever I click on an old or new entry, it is ready to tab or arrow
across/up/down the splits and fields of that entry to edit to my
requirements, only to be committed when i hit 'enter' or tab/scroll
completely out of that entry.
If you have multiple splits, once you've entered one, then GNUCASH
should bring up another 'blank' below (either as am imbalance or similar
default account... just keep editing this line till it's what you want).
and until you've done enough splits to balance it all, there should
continue to be a trailing line with something in for you to account
only rarely do I find that viewing as a basic ledger would be easier for
my use, but then, I do use GNUCASH more along the lines of a
small-business accounts program so like the gory details :-)


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