Quick database question

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Mon Dec 27 16:04:24 EST 2010

On 27 December 2010 20:52, David T. <sunfish62 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Colin--
> This solution raises one problem for the end user: when one uses Save as to a different format, THAT format becomes the default going forward. The user would have to know that if they wanted to continue using SQL, then they have to RE-save as SQL. That is counter-intuitive, and seems well-suited to a user not getting the behavior they expected. There is also the (exceedingly unlikely) possibility that the conversion back and forth might result in data corruption.

That is why I suggested a specific command on the File menu, File >
Save Backup.  This would save an XML format file without switching
away from the current database (whatever format that is).


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