personal and business

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Wed Dec 29 16:48:23 EST 2010

>Thanks for your clear description. That's exactly the thing I want to avoid.
>Using MS Money Personal & Business allowed me to avoid that double work and
>I am hopeful to find an equally efficient solution that involves GnuCash.
>Shane's reply seems to point me in the right direction... I'm designing a
>chart of accounts now (although my lack of experience doing such things is
>giving rise to a lot of questions and I'm not able to refer to the standard
Stupid question on my part. WHY would you want to have one set of books 
covering two entities? Yes I understand this could reduce the work when 
entering those (few?) transactions where these split between the 
entities. But I would think that far outweighed by the consideration 
that being required to show the books of  the business would force you 
to disclose your personal books. Violates the rule about never 
voluntarily disclosing what you don't have to.

You aren't required to have personal books so under few conditions can 
be required to produce them.


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