GC 2.2.9 Crash Importing .qfx Files.

Doc Kinne kinnerc at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 14:08:20 EST 2010

Jeff & Martin:

On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 12:40 PM, Jeff Kletsky <gnucash at allycomm.com> wrote:

>  On 2/4/2010 8:21 AM, Doc Kinne wrote:
> As far as Quicken is concerned, Cambridge Trust uses "Web Connect" not
> "Direct Connect. Should I be looking at setting up a DirectConnect through
> AqBanking?
> In my limited experience, if you can get OFX to work, it runs pretty
> smoothly. Unfortunately, that Quicken uses "Web Connect" often means that
> Intuit (or one of its partners) "scrapes" the web pages for the data, so
> that OFX may not be available.
> That warning taken in stride, there seems to be some notes on Cambridge
> Trust at http://ofxblog.wordpress.com/?s=cambridge

This was FASCINATING, Jeff!

I seemingly was able to set this up and become a valid user in the AQBanking
portion of the wizard. However, when I went to download the accounts, which
it seemed to allow (it asked for my password and then brought up a screen
saying it was talking to the bank!), the screen closed too fast for me to
actually read it.

A bit more research into Cambridge Trust Co. and Quicken seems to reveal
that they support Direct Connect with Windows - and as of Mac Quickbooks
2009 support it on the Mac as well. The Wiki notes in "Setting up
OFXDirectConnect in GnuCash 2" to "make sure you signed up for the Quicken
service. For example, you have to tell (California and non-California) Bank
of America, by calling 1-800-792-0808, that you need Quicken access."

So, I'm stopping by the bank after work and I'm basically going to force a
Red Pill down their throats and take them down the Linux/Free Software
Rabbit Hole. :-)  Based on what I've done, what I've read, and the pointers
you folks have given me, I think I have to tell them to enable Quicken
Access for me and then I'll be able to match accounts.


Otherwise, MARTIN, I found that I have libofx-0.9.0 on my system. However,
the current version seems to be 0.9.1, which, according to the notes seems,
to have something in it to deal with long lines that you wrote?  I
downloaded the 0.9.1 code and am trying to build that to see if that will
solve the long line QFX import problem.
Doc Kinne, [KQR]
(From the Gmail Web Interface)

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