Line of credit Interest payment question

Jeff Kletsky gnucash at
Mon Feb 8 20:37:43 EST 2010

I deal with this by having one transaction in my loan that applies the 
interest, that is then "counteracted" by a payment

$123 Expenses:Interest:HELOC => Liabilities:HELOC
$123 Assets:Checking => Liabilities:HELOC

That way I can "see" the pair of transactions in my HELOC, even though 
the net effect is the same as
$123 Assets:Checking => Expenses:Interest:HELOC

On 2/8/2010 2:06 PM, trythis wrote:
> My line of credit has two or more lines of payment.
> Fixed rate where principle must be paid and variable where only interest
> must be paid.
> When I make a payment to the bank loan, the bank divies up the payment into
> several places.  I figured out how to split these up OK.
> The problem is when I only owe variable interest payments.  The payment goes
> to the HELOC loan account, but the bank never increases the principle on
> what is owed here.  In GC that causes me to make the payment from checking
> to Expense:Interest:mortgage and teh payment does not show up at all on my
> Liability:HELOC account
> Any way to remedy this, or should I just not and make a separate
> Expense:interest:HELOC
> thanks

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