"Edit exchange rate" has stopped working (2.2.9)
Fred Bone
Fred.Bone at dial.pipex.com
Mon Feb 15 12:58:25 EST 2010
On 14 February 2010 at 20:47, Adam Funk said:
> On 2010-02-09, Fred Bone wrote:
> > Note, BTW, that the exchange rate is recorded with the txn; any changes
> > you make to the Price Database have no effect whatsoever on existing
> > txns.
> What are the rates shown in the Price Editor used for, and how many of
> them do I need to keep?
Short answer: for reports, and for default conversion rates for fresh
transactions. You need to keep the ones you'll need in future; if you
don't run reports, then you probably don't need old conversion rates.
Another example:
I open my Assets:Foreign Currency:Euro register and enter a debit dated
2009-07-20, EUR500, carefully choosing a new "Description" so it won't
inherit data from any existing txn. After choosing a suitable "Transfer"
account, keying "500" in the Debit column and hitting Enter, Gnucash pops
upan exchange-rate window with a rate handily filled in: 0.8890625, or
EUR1=GBP889062, in this case. Where did it get that from? In the Price
Editor, I see an entry corresponding to a purchase I really made, on 2009-
07-19, the rate showing as 0.889063. Gnucash has looked up the nearest
(or perhaps the last preceding) Price Database entry to the txn date I've
just entered.
The Price Database also provides the rates used when converting
commodities / currencies for Reports, but I don't make much use of the
ones for which that's relevant so you'd need to ask someone else.
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