Question for those that can load and use 2.3.9

Tommy Trussell tommy.trussell at
Fri Feb 19 09:45:14 EST 2010

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 11:18 AM, trythis <grahamlane at> wrote:
> Does the new system that uses sql backend have an undo feature.  I seem to
> screw up often enough and like being able to close the program without
> saving in 2.2.9

I know this is obvious, but if you are depending upon being able to
"undo" in this fashion, you can not use the auto-save feature (Edit
--> Preferences; General tab).

Since GnuCash carefully saves its logs and previous versions of the
XML data file (using the setting on the same place in Preferences) it
seems like one could create a "transaction history viewer" that would
allow you to selectively reverse erroneous transactions. (I suspect an
actual "undo" feature is possible, too, but maybe trickier.) I presume
even using the sql backend the program creates the log files... ?

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