Help with monthly tranche of fonds

Frank H. Ellenberger f.ellenberger at
Sun Jan 24 17:08:37 EST 2010


Am Samstag, 23. Januar 2010 um 17:20:16 schrieb Johannes Graumann:
> Hello,
> I have recently returned to gnucash from a stint to kmymoney and am at a
> loss with respect to my fonds depot. Every month I buy fonds for a specific
> amount and do not understand how to deal with that in gnucash. 

Did you read
aka gnucash-guide.xml#chapter_invest
or the german page ?

> I increase 
> the fonds in the depot, but I have no clue how to deduct the appropriate
> amount from my checking account ... the unbalanced amount is in fonds
> units, not EUR ...

Sounds like you made something wrong. How did you start your transaction?

> I hope this makes sense to someone.
> Please help, Joh


P.S. There is also a german list gnucash-de.

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