Double entry accounting with "double entry statement import"

Marcus Wolschon Marcus at
Mon Jul 12 07:05:55 EDT 2010

2010/7/12 Paweł Zając <pavzaj at>:
> Hello,
> My bank doesn't offer any online banking interfaces nor QIF/OFX format
> statements. I can only download CSV formatted statements form my online
> banking website. I have a script, which can convert these CSV statements to
> OFX format. Let's assume I have a checking account and a savings account and
> I download statements from both. Sometimes I transfer money between them. In
> checking account statement I have transaction e.g. "100 $ out" and in
> savings account I have corresponding "100$ in". When I import both
> statements transactions "in" and "out" doesn't correspond anymore. I can't
> mark " checking out" transaction as a transfer to savings, because savings
> already has "savings in" imported from a statement. How could I manage such
> situation?

Do the timestamps correspond or are the 1-3 business-days for these transactions
to process?
The later would suggest an in_transit -account in-between.


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