Unable to open gnucash

Dr. Md. Aminul Islam Khan aikhan_lab at bdcom.net
Fri Jul 23 08:08:16 EDT 2010

On Wed, 2010-07-21 at 21:51 +0100, Maf. King wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 July 2010 19:23:15 Dr. Md. Aminul Islam Khan wrote:
> > Thank you for the advice.
> > I hope to uninstall 2.2.6 and install 2.3.14 instead. Would it find my
> > present files?
> >
> > aikhan
> Hi,
> Yes, it should, as long as you do not delete the folders ~/.gnucash and 
> ~/.gconf*
> if the new version doesn't pick up the data file automatically, you can always 
> file->open it.
> Keep good backups though, as 2.3.x are all unstable releases...
> Maf. 

Hi, thanks a lot for the advice. As I wanted to use postgresql with
2.2.14, I did the following:
1. downloaded libdbi0, libdbi0-dev and libdbd-pgsql, then
2. ./configure --enable-dbi
during ./configure it reported intltool absent, so 
3. downloaded intltool and again
4. ./configure --enable-dbi, successful, then
5. make, successful, so
6. make check, it reported:
2 of 3 tests failed
Please report to gnucash-dev at gnucash.org
What should I do now?


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