Inventory Management in GNU Cash

Rohan Agarwal (Lead Buddy - Consulting Solutions & Services) rohan.agarwal at
Wed Jun 30 10:10:46 EDT 2010

Dear All,

I found the following web-entry while searching for inventory management in
GNU Cash. It is quite old... Kindly suggest if there is any update available
on the inventory management module in GNU Cash. Thanks

Inventory management in GnuCash*Derek Atkins* warlord at MIT.EDU
*Fri Oct 3 12:34:12 CDT 2003*

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not really.  You could probably make do by using Stock accounts
(one account per widget type) and making a new commodity type for
each widget.  Yes, it's clunky, but it's the best you're going to
get right now.


Wouter van Marle <wouter at

>* Hi all,*>* *>* Is it possible to do basic inventory management in GnuCash? I have a*>* limited list of like two dozen articles, and only have to keep track of*>* quantity in stock - no heavy sales and purchase predictions or location*>* registration and so. Simply that I can quickly see if I can grant an*>* order or have to order extra and so. Besides it would be nice to keep*>* track of the purchased value of the goods on stock.*>* It should pretty similar to the cash part: goods incoming, in stock,*>* sold, accounts moving goods from incoming to stock or stock to sold,*>* sounds highly the same as how I manage the money.*>* *

Thanks & Regards,

Rohan Agarwal
Lead Buddy - Consulting Solutions & Services
Milagrow Business & Knowledge Solutions

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