Hosted Solution in GNUCash

Mike or Penny Novack stepbystepfarm at
Fri May 14 12:17:00 EDT 2010

Derek Atkins wrote:

>Shenbaga Kumar S <smshenbagakumar at> writes:
>> Does GNUCash have the feature of hosted solution. I need it urgently , any
>>help in this regard will be great..
>No.  GnuCash is purely a desktop application.  It's not a web service,
>so I'm not sure what kind of "hosted solution" you could get from it.

    Describe exactly what your needs are (at the business level) rather 
than ask for a particular solution. For example, got interpreted in 
terms of "web site". But if you meant something like ..... "I need to be 
able to have GnuCash running on machine A and be able to access remotely 
via machine B" then this may be possible depending on what other 
software you have available (machine B could be acting as a  remote 
terminal for a session running on machine A. Software for that sort of 
thing exists).


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