Change Applicaple Budget Month for a Transaction

Yawar Amin yawar.amin at
Sat Nov 27 15:02:13 EST 2010


On 2010-11-26, at 19:51, David Somers-Harris wrote:

> Sometimes I pay the electricity bill for November in December, a little
> later than usual. This shows up in GNUCash as an abnormally large
> expenditure on electricity in December, which ends up being over budget.
> In this situation I would like to tell GNUCash to consider that transaction
> as a part of November's budget. However, just changing the transaction date
> won't suffice, since it is important for that data to be accurate as well.
> Is there a way of doing this in GNUCash?

Yes–it’s the same way you’d do it on paper. You’ll need two transactions:

2010-11-15 Electricity Co.
           Expenses:Utilities:Electricity          Dr $100
           Liabilities:AccountsPayable:Electricity Cr  100

2010-12-15 Clear Accounts Payable
           Liabilities:AccountsPayable:Electricity Dr $100
           Assets:Current:Checking                 Cr  100

So the expenditure is dated November, but the actual cash is going out of your bank account in December. Simple accrual-based accounting.

Hope this helps,


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