italian online banking

Frank H. Ellenberger f.ellenberger at
Thu Sep 16 06:12:48 EDT 2010


Am Donnerstag, 9. September 2010 um 23:08:41 schrieb Riccardo Ronchi:
> Hi i have gnucash 2.2.9. I'm italian. I would know what's the exact
> procedure to link my on line bank account using adbanking software in
> gnucash
> my bank address begin with "https:\\hp.mps....." what's italian bank code?
> what's field FID? and ORG? How can i complete them?
> Could I class all the operation automatically from bank account?

you do not write, which access methods (FinTS/HBCI, OFX, CSV ...) your bank 
offers - eventually you should ask your bank. So I can not tell you, if they 
are supported by Aqbanking. 

You can find the documentation of AqBanking at .
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