Finance::Quote UK funds

Paul Elliott paul at
Sat Sep 18 10:18:42 EDT 2010

  Hi Frank,
Thanks for the information. I found I couldn't get Yahoo Europe to 
download any stock prices but could get some from Yahoo with the .L 
suffix. I'll try again in case its fixed.
The big problem for me are some of the UK funds, these seem only 
available on some sites, Yahoo has a selection but not all I need.
I was looking at the documentation for Finance::quote and got a little 
confused. I think it looks as though the package as a standalone quote 
provider has grown away from what is installed into GNUcash. In any case 
I've never programmed in pearl so I'm a little apprehensive about diving 
in too deep.
I thought I saw a thread a couple of months ago from someone who had 
added a new source for Canadian stocks but I seem to have deleted it.
Anyway thanks again to you and the others who answered my plea.

On 15/09/2010 18:34, Frank H. Ellenberger wrote:
> Hi,
> Am Mittwoch, 15. September 2010 um 09:39:03 schrieb Paul Elliott:
>>    Hi all,
>> I've been using MS-Money for years but have been forced to change.
>> GNUCASH looks pretty good and I've installed it on an XP Machine and a
>> Vista one. My problem is with retrieving quotes, I've got the package
>> running OK and can retrieve some stock prices, but none of the available
>> sites listed seem to provide UK funds. I can get these from a
>> combination of YAHOO finance UK
> According
> man Finance::Quote::Yahoo::Europe
> means "Yahoo Europe"
> But there were reports some time ago that the module was broken because the
> site changed the format. I don't know if it is fixed now.
>> and Bloomberg
> I don't know a FQ module for Bloomberg, sorry.
>> but these are not listed.
>> Is configuring a new source a tricky operation (ie rebuilding the app)
>> or is there some configuration that I'm missing.
>> Regards,
>> Paul
> Frank

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