Parent without placeholder status

Colin Law clanlaw at
Sat Sep 25 16:22:28 EDT 2010

On 25 September 2010 21:11, Seyfi Duyan <seyfi.duyan at> wrote:
> Hello,
> While I was working with account hierarchy templates, I noticed that it's
> possible to set an account as parent without settings its placeholder
> option.
> And I don't get it. What's the use of such an account? Can someone explain
> the difference between a parent acct with and without placeholder status?

If it is just a placeholder then it cannot have transactions of it's
own (transactions must be on the children accts).  If it is not just a
placeholder then it can have transactions as well as the children
having transactions.  I have a number of non-placeholder Expense
accounts that have sub accounts.  So an expense can be assigned to the
parent or one of the children as appropriate.


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