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Mon Sep 27 20:13:48 EDT 2010

As a replacement for the current GtkHTML HTML engine used to display reports
and graphs, Gnucash can use WebKit. WebKit is the engine used by Google
Chrome on Windows and Safari on Apple. In order to build with this, add
--enable-webkit to the configure command. You will need an appropriate
webkit-dev package. On win32, you will need to download the file from the source repository and put it into the
downloads directory of your gnucash build area.

Hubert Bahr wrote:
> I  have ran into a couple of problems moving from Linux 2.3.15 to Win7 
> version.  Check Writing produces postage stamp size checks instead of 
> full page size.  and when saving as a mysql database it can't find the 
> database although I have no problem when using MySql workbench using the 
> same user name and password.  I am trying to set this up to pass the 
> bookeeping to a Windows 7 user.  This is new to me since I primarily use 
> Linux.  Are there some Windows specific guidelines that i need to 
> follow?  Everything works fine on Linux.
> Hubert
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