Stupid post about Account Format

Maf. King maf at
Wed Apr 13 06:33:58 EDT 2011

On Tuesday 12 April 2011 21:46:31 Bill Waggener wrote:
> Being a newbee to gnu-cash, I have what is probably a stupid question. My
> wife uses gnu-cash but doesn't understand or want the imbalances or opening
> balances displayed on the main account screen. Is there anyway of hiding
> these rows on the screen? I understand that creating custom displays is not
> an easy task.

Hi Bill,

Do you mean the rows in the "tree of accounts" screen?

The imbalances account will be re-created anytime GC sees a transaction 
entered which isn't properly balanced - in effect it catches user errors.  
When I make such errors, then I usually delete the imbalance account once I 
have corrected the transaction(s) in there.

The Equity:Opening Balances account can be hidden - select it, then go to 
something like "Edit Account" (toolbutton) then you can mark the account as 


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