Export report to spreadsheet

Carpet Nailz carpetnailz at researchintegration.org
Wed Apr 13 10:30:54 EDT 2011

On Wed, 2011-04-13 at 15:20 +0100, Maf. King wrote:
> On Wednesday 13 April 2011 14:53:50 Carpet Nailz wrote:
> >
> > I thought that in the past I had been able to use paste-special in OO.o
> > Calc to have just the numbers pasted and not have them pasted as links
> > back to some GnuCash file. But now I can't get that to work.
> >
> In the past, I've exported the reports as HTML, then opened (possibly 
> inserted) the HTML in OOo calc.
> HTH,
> Maf.
Well I tried that. I exported the report as html and then used Calc to
open it. It still entered the numbers (currency amounts) into the cells
as references to something and won't let me do any calculations with the
values. My problem is how to get the numbers into Calc so I can work
with them. For example, my Medical Expenses report for the year has a
number of entries that were for expenses incurred last year. So I have
to delete those to get a total for IRS for my this year's medical
expenses. I can't do that kind of "fine-tuning" in creating the GnuCash
report, so I need to do it in a spreadsheet.

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