Fixing bad timestamps

prl prl at
Tue Aug 16 21:06:24 EDT 2011

On 17/08/11 9:37, Dan Smith wrote:
> ...
> - In the past, I forced GNUCash to run in EST, via an environment variable set in a launcher script.  But it's not clear to me how to do this with the latest OS X binary, now that it's all bundled up in an application.
> ...

The part of the application bundle that actually runs Gnucash is the 
shell script /Applications/ You can 
find it in the Finder by Control-clicking (or right-clicking on a 
multi-button mouse) on /Applications/Gnucash, and then selecting Show 
Package Contents. That will then open a new Finder window in 
/Applications/ Navigate into MacOS, and then use 
TextEdit to add the "export TZ=" line that you want to force Gnucash to 
run in, after making a backup copy of the Gnucash script.


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