libdbi for postgresql

Geert Janssens janssens-geert at
Thu Aug 25 08:03:49 EDT 2011

On donderdag 25 augustus 2011, Jean-David Beyer wrote:
> bunk3m wrote:
> > James, over the long run sqlite3 will be easier to use than postgres.
> > 
> > I think using postgres is a bit of overkill (like storing Quicken data
> > in Oracle, perhaps).
> I am by no means ready to upgrade my old gnucash to one with a database
> interface.
> But I already am running postgresql for other reasons, and I would, when
> the time comes, prefer to run postgresql instead of mysql or sqlite. Is
> this going to be a problem for me in the future? I hate the idea of
> running more than one database management system on my main machine.

It depends on your platform. GnuCash uses libdbi to interface with various 
database engines. For each database engine libdbi uses a specific "plugin" or 
"driver". GnuCash supports 3 of those drivers: postgresql, mysql or sqlite3.

To use a specific database engine, the right driver has to be installed on 
your system.

On linux this is usually not a problem, because most distributions package all 
three of these drivers.

The Windows installer of GnuCash also ships all three of the drivers.

And unless John changed this recently the OS X build by default only ships 
with the sqlite3 driver. So on OS X it may take some more effort to work with 


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